Thursday, July 22, 2010

Rhinos, Lions, and …….GI Jane?

It’s been a very exciting week around here. Yesterday on our game drive we managed to see not only a male White Rhino but also 4 young lions all within about 5 minutes of each other. On our way to the lion sighting we turned a corner and there peeking out behind a bush, you know the way rhinos do, was a very large male White Rhino, it was a sight! We had hoped to see one the first drive and then found tracks the second drive yet he eluded us but then… there he was. Munching away on grass.

After our visit with the White Rhino we drove down the road and around the bend and there we found the lions! Three females and one male, all about a year old and only about 100 feet from where we were. They were so big even though they were not full-grown. It was truly a fantastic sight. Sadly, I was on the wrong side of the vehicle for pictures so my photos are not so great. I’m sure I will get the chance to see them again.

Today we practiced changing tires and doing maintenance on the land rovers but what made today interesting was I finally shaved all my hair off! It’s gone and I think it looks pretty good. Only a little boyish. Ruth, my roommate was kind enough to do it while everyone else watched the event take place. When you have no TV someone getting a hair cut is a big deal! I’m now known as GI Jane.


  1. Poor crocodile... no hair dental floss for him.

    Dental hygiene is important. :)

  2. you remind me of Sinead O'Connor! I knew you would shave it when you got over there!!! Love you!

  3. You look gorgeous!
